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Otoplasty Plastic Surgery (Ear Reshaping) Candidates

Tag Archives: cosmetic surgery

Otoplasty Plastic Surgery (Ear Reshaping) Candidates | Beverly HillsIt is vitally important to choose the appropriate candidate for a cosmetic surgery procedure such as otoplasty or ear reshaping. A dedicated surgeon will carefully assess candidacy to determine whether otoplasty will make a significant improvement to the patient’s facial appearance.

Dr. Eugene Kim is a board certified plastic surgeon providing otoplasty and various other procedures to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and other cities and suburbs in Southern California.


Attributes of a Candidate

Ears are a highly visible part of the body, and it is difficult to hide them with clothing. As a result, it can cause embarrassment to an individual who has ears that protrude out awkwardly, or are disproportionate, asymmetrical, flapping or drooping too low. Otoplastic cosmetic surgery can be the most effective treatment option for such candidates.

It could be a child who has to face teasing from fellow students at school, or an adult who feel uncomfortable in social settings or has a low self-esteem due to the odd shape of ears, or a person who has experienced trauma in the ear region. All these candidates can benefit from otoplasty.

In some cases, a child may have an ear defect by birth, which can make them a suitable candidate for reconstructive otoplasty. Patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas have an opportunity to receive ear reshaping surgery from experienced plastic surgeon Dr. Kim.


Candidates for Traditional or Reconstructive Otoplasty

Traditional otoplasty, commonly known as ear pinning surgery, is appropriate for candidates who are bothered by the appearance of large or extruding ears. The surgeon can ‘pin’ these ears back toward the patient’s head to create a more natural appearance, and make the individual’s face look more appealing.

Sometimes an individual may sustain severe ear defects due to some sort of external trauma, or the defects may be present in one or both ears by birth. Reconstructive otoplasty may be recommended for such candidates.


Child Candidacy

Children can be suitable candidates for otoplasty if they suffer from congenital ear defects. Around the age of six, the child candidate may be ready to undergo otoplasty because the ears would have adequately developed by then. A majority of otoplasty procedures generally are performed on children in age group of four to fourteen.

A child under the age of four may not be a good candidate for ear reshaping surgery because the ear is still growing in size and shape. However, tissue manipulation is easier with younger ears, and the surgeon would recommend timely surgery when the ear has acquired full growth. If the child suffers from a significant ear defect, they should meet a cosmetic surgeon to determine the right time for surgery.


Congenital Defects

Congential defects related to ears may include absence of earlobe, ear edges are folded forward, ear sharply curves inward, ear is curled forward, the top curve of the ear is reversed, ear is foled abnormally, or a cleft has formed in the earlobe. Malignant melanoma and skin cancer patients may also sometimes require reconstructive otoplasty.

Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

instagram logoVisit and follow Dr. Eugene Kim on Instagram! See his confident, beautiful patients enjoying life after breast, facial and body contouring procedures.

Questions to Ask Your Breast Reduction Surgeon | Beverly HillsWhen a woman is considering a major cosmetic surgery procedure such as breast reduction, she should spend some time to learn about the procedure through medical websites, and select a surgeon whom she feels may be the right one for her requirements. Once she has scheduled an appointment with the surgeon, she should prepare a list of questions that she wants to ask during the initial consultation.

The patient’s first goal should be to have a productive consultation and clarify all her doubts and concerns with the surgeon. This will enable her to make a decision about breast reduction with a clear mind, and she will feel more confident about the surgery.

Dr. Eugene Kim is a board certified plastic surgeon providing breast reduction to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and other communities in this part of the state across the horizon.


Questions about the Surgeon

  • Are you board certified plastic surgery?
  • How many years of training and experience do you have in this field?
  • Have you performed breast surgeries before, and what is your success rate?
  • Where would you perform my breast reduction surgery?
  • Do you have privileges at one of the local hospitals?
  • Where can I reach you in case of an emergency?
  • Do you have a policy for revision procedures?
  • Can I talk to one of your staff members to learn more about your practice and familiarize myself with your office?


Questions about the Procedure

  • Do I make a good candidate for breast reduction?
  • Which surgical technique would you recommend in my case to perform this procedure?
  • Am I required to do some specific preparation prior to the surgery?
  • Would you use general or local anesthesia to perform this surgery?
  • Can I have access to a few breast reduction ‘before and after’ pictures of your past patients?


Questions about Recovery

  • Is the recovery going to be complicated or painful?
  • Are there any post-operative risks and side effects that I should be aware of?
  • How many days of leave should I apply at my workplace for a safe recovery?
  • During the recovery phase, can I move about at home and do the daily tasks, or should I arrange for some help?
  • Are there any steps I can take to make the recovery easier and faster?


Questions about the Costs

  • How much will it cost me to receive breast reduction surgery at your practice?
  • Does the cost include pre- and post-surgical expenses?
  • Will the cost come down significantly if the procedure is performed at a surgery center instead of a hospital?
  • Will I have to pay additionally for the post-op visits to your office?
  • If I choose two or more procedures, will it make me eligible for a rebate or a package rate?
  • Will your office be able to guide me about financing and insurance aspects for breast reduction surgery?


Accomplished and sagacious plastic surgeon Dr. Kim receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas for breast reduction.

Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

instagram logoVisit and follow Dr. Eugene Kim on Instagram! See his confident, beautiful patients enjoying life after breast, facial and body contouring procedures.

Liposuction Plastic Surgery and Body Contouring for Men | Beverly HillsThe popularity of liposuction cosmetic surgery procedure is no longer just confined to women, and a growing number of men now seek this procedure to enhance their body contours. Sedentary work cultures, eating habits, and heredity factors lead many men to accumulate excess fat deposits in abdomen, flanks, hips, and other areas.

Excess fatty tissue may also sometimes cause the problem of male breast appearance. Liposuction can be used as a male body contouring procedure to sculpt a man’s body, eliminated undesirable fat pockets, and restore a more youthful appearance. Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim provides liposuction to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and other cities in Southern California.


Male Candidacy

Men who are unhappy with the stubborn fat deposits in certain areas of the body that have become resistant to diet and exercise may be appropriate candidates for liposuction cosmetic surgery. Key attributes of a suitable candidate would include:

  • Excess fat pockets but minimal loose skin in the affected areas.
  • Stable and moderate body weight, preferably within 20 pounds of their ideal weight.
  • Solid general health, positive attitude, and reasonable expectations.
  • Commitment to avoid smoking for a specified time period as directed by the surgeon.



Liposuction involves fat removal using the suction principle. The surgeon will insert a thin, blunt-tipped cannula through small incisions in the targeted area. The cannula is then physically manipulated to dislodge unwanted fat deposits and then suction them out. Popular techniques to perform liposuction in a less invasive manner include:


Tumescent Liposuction

This procedure can be performed using only a local anesthetic, such as lidocaine, along with another medication via IV fluids. These are injected prior to the surgery, resulting in shrinkage or constriction of the blood vessels. This enables the surgeon to perform liposuction only using local anesthesia, with minimum blood loss and reduced post-operative pain and bleeding.


Ultrasound-assisted Liposuction

This technique is more commonly used for male patients who have larger areas of fat deposits, and the fat tissue is dense in character. Ultrasound energy will be transmitted through a special hand piece, which will melt and loosen the stubborn fat tissue in the deeper layers. This will allow the surgeon to suction out a greater volume of fat in a less aggressive manner.


Laser-assisted Liposuction

Procedures such as SmartLipo and SlimLipo are gaining in popularity nowadays, which involve the use of laser energy to perform liposuction in men. The treatment works on the principle that laser energy will generate targeted heat in specific areas to disrupt the unwanted fat cells and liquefy the fat. A suction pump or syringe is then used to remove the fat in a less invasive way.



Recovery process will vary according to the extent of liposuction performed, but most men can expect to return to their workplace in about one week after liposuction. Committed and astute plastic surgeon Dr. Kim receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas for liposuction and various other surgical and non-surgical procedures.

Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

instagram logoVisit and follow Dr. Eugene Kim on Instagram! See his confident, beautiful patients enjoying life after breast, facial and body contouring procedures.

Cosmetic Surgery for Men | Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery | West HollywoodOver the years, the trend of men seeking cosmetic surgery procedures has gathered pace. Today men in various age groups and from different walks of life want to enhance their appearance with aesthetic procedures. A trimmer waistline, a rejuvenated face, reduction of double chin or a more balanced nose are some of the common procedures that men choose.

Dr. Eugene Kim is a board certified plastic surgeon providing advanced and innovative procedures for both women and men. Patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and surrounding locations have an opportunity to receive state of the art procedures for the breast, body, and face from Dr. Kim.


Male Breast Reduction

Some men may have over-developed breasts, which can make them feel embarrassed in a social setting. This condition is known as gynecomastia. Dr. Kim can perform male breast reduction cosmetic surgery to correct this condition. If the patient has excess fatty tissue deposits, only liposuction may suffice to restore a normal chest appearance. But in case of glandular tissue, Dr. Kim will perform surgical excision to remove the unwanted tissue.



Nose is a prominent and central part of the face, which can significantly impact facial balance and appearance. Dr. Kim may perform procedures such as nose reduction, nose augmentation, resizing of the nostrils, refining nasal tip, correcting the nasal bridge or removing a nasal bump on the bridge for men. Dr. Kim will maintain a careful balance between the nose and the chin in order to create harmonious looking outcomes in rhinoplasty for men.



Facelift is a highly effective procedure that can take several years off a person’s face. Men with sagging facial skin and deep wrinkles and lines can achieve a subtle lift and smoother facial skin with facelift surgery. The procedure will involve removal of excess facial skin and fat tissue, and repositioning of underlying muscles. A growing number of men now seek facelift surgery as well as upper face procedures to achieve a more youthful look.


Neck Lift

Neck lift and neck liposuction are more popular procedures among men. Double chin appearance, neck bands and loose skin in the neck are common concerns among men after the age of 40. Procedures such as neck lift and neck liposuction can be applied to create an enhanced chin appearance. In many cases, neck lift surgery may be performed in conjunction with facelift to produce more natural looking results.



Liposuction currently ranks as the second most sought after cosmetic surgery in the US. Men can benefit from this surgery to improve their body contours in a less invasive and targeted manner. Techniques such as tumescent liposuction or laser liposuction can be performed using local anesthesia and involve reduced recovery period. Liposuction surgery can be customized to suit the unique needs of a man, and create desirable and youthful contours in specific areas.

Sagacious and successful plastic surgeon Dr. Kim receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas for a range of male cosmetic procedures.

Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

instagram logoVisit and follow Dr. Eugene Kim on Instagram! See his confident, beautiful patients enjoying life after breast, facial and body contouring procedures.

Questions to Ask Your Breast Reduction Surgeon | Beverly HillsWhile considering a major cosmetic surgery procedure such as breast reduction, a patient should make an effort to learn as much about the procedure as possible and carefully select the appropriate breast surgeon for her needs. In this process, she is likely to have several questions and concerns, which she can clear with the surgeon during the pre-operative consultation.

A well-informed patient will have more confidence about going ahead with breast reduction and will be able to make better decisions in consultation with the surgeon. A dedicated surgeon will answer her questions in accurate details during the consultation process. Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim provides breast reduction surgery to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and other surrounding cities.


Questions about the Surgeon

  • Do you have a board certification in plastic surgery?
  • For how long have you trained and worked in the field of cosmetic surgery?
  • Do you have specific experience in performing breast surgery procedures, and what is your success rate?
  • Which surgical venue would you recommend in my case for breast reduction surgery?
  • Do you have an affiliation with a local hospital or surgery center?
  • In the rare event of an emergency, will your office be equipped to handle my situation?
  • Will you perform a revision surgery in case the outcome of breast reduction is not according to what we agreed upon?


Questions about the Procedure

  • Will I make a good candidate for breast reduction?
  • Which surgical technique would be more appropriate to meet my goals of breast reduction?
  • What steps will I have to take prior to the scheduled date of surgery?
  • Would you recommend general or local anesthesia to perform my procedure?
  • Can I have access to breast reduction before and after images of some of your past patients?


Questions about Recovery

  • How painful will be the recovery process?
  • How long will it take before I can resume my normal routine?
  • How conspicuous would be the long-term or permanent scars?
  • Is there anything I can do to make the recovery safer and faster?
  • How many post-operative appointments will I have to make?


Questions about the Costs

  • How much would it cost me to have the breast reduction performed by you?
  • Does your quoted price include the pre- and post-surgical expenses?
  • Will I be able to reduce the cost by choosing a surgical center instead of a hospital?
  • Will I be required to pay additionally for the post-surgical appointments with your office?
  • If I combine breast reduction surgery with other procedures, would it make me eligible for a special package price?
  • Will your office guide me with regard to insurance and financing options?

If the patient is unclear about any of the surgeon’s answers, she should freely ask again and ensure her full satisfaction before committing to the surgery. Experienced plastic surgeon Dr. Kim receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and other cities for breast reduction.

Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

instagram logoVisit and follow Dr. Eugene Kim on Instagram! See his confident, beautiful patients enjoying life after breast, facial and body contouring procedures.

Choose a Breast Reduction Plastic Surgeon | Beverly Hills Plastic SurgeryThe field of cosmetic surgery has witnessed rapid growth in recent years due to new surgical technologies and techniques. However, the single most important factor that impacts the final results in a procedure such as breast reduction continues to be the skill of the operating surgeon. Therefore, patients should focus on making an objective selection of the right surgeon for their needs.

One of the key requisites for a successful outcome in cosmetic procedures is open communication and a relationship of trust between the surgeon and the patient. Patients should choose a breast reduction surgeon with whom they feel comfortable and who pays careful attention to their concerns.

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim provides breast reduction to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and other cities in Southern California.



Dr. Kim has acquired advanced skills to perform major cosmetic surgery procedures of the breast, body and face. He is a double board certified plastic surgeon with strong professional credentials. In addition to devoting time to his patients at his private surgical practice, Dr. Kim also currently serves as an Assistant Clinical Professor in Plastic Surgery at the University of California, Irvine, where he actively participates in resident education.

He is an active participant in various professional surgery related networks, which helps him keep updated with the latest developments and innovations in the field of surgery. He also gets invited to speak at medical meetings where he shares his expertise with colleagues in the industry.


Choosing a Board Certified Surgeon

A board certification in plastic surgery firstly serves as a reassurance for a new patient about the surgeon’s excellence because of the rigorous selection standards in awarding a board certification. A surgeon with this certification would have undergone a minimum of three to five years of medical training, including at least two years dedicated exclusively to plastic surgery training.

A board certified surgeon would usually invest in maintaining the highest quality standards and best ethical practices, adopt cutting edge surgical techniques and technology, pursue continuing education to stay abreast with the latest procedures, and follow the prevailing safety protocols to create optimal results for the patients. Experienced plastic surgeon Dr. Kim receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas for breast reduction.



According to Dr. Kim, the best outcomes in a procedure such as breast reduction can be obtained when the surgeon considers the patient’s unique anatomical features as well as her specific cosmetic needs and desires. He will never adopt a one size fits all or a cookie cutter approach, but will tailor the breast reduction surgery to match with the patient’s requirements.

A customized breast reduction involves determining the most appropriate surgical technique, utilizing liposuction where necessary, and applying discreet incisions to minimize scarring. With this approach, Dr. Kim is able to create more deeply satisfying aesthetic outcomes in a less invasive manner. The final results are healthier, more sustainable, and are obtained with reduced risk of complications and reduced recovery time.

Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

instagram logoVisit and follow Dr. Eugene Kim on Instagram! See his confident, beautiful patients enjoying life after breast, facial and body contouring procedures.

Preparing for Breast Reduction Surgery | Beverly Hills Plastic SurgeryA significant amount of preparation will be necessary prior to a major cosmetic surgery procedure such as breast reduction. The patient should be committed to following the surgeon’s instructions and prepare for the surgery for her own sake.

The surgeon will discuss about various aspects related to pre-op preparation during the initial consultation. The patient should clarify any concerns or doubts and ask questions about the preparation at this stage. Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim provides breast reduction to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and other cities and neighborhoods across the landscape.  


Key Steps in Preparation

A few important steps will be involved in the preparation process, which should ideally begin several weeks ahead of the desired date of cosmetic surgery.

  • Arrange to send health records from the doctor, specialists and hospital to the surgeon’s office for their review. This will save time during the pre-op consultation.
  • Note down the list of prescription and non-prescription drugs that the patient may be currently taking and show this list to the surgeon during the consultation.
  • Get any specialized mammograms, chest x-ray or lab test done, if advised by the surgeon.
  • Adjust the schedule of prescription medications in consultation with the doctor, if the surgeon suggests.
  • Avoid smoking for a few weeks as specified by the surgeon prior to the breast reduction procedure.
  • Complete any pressing home or office assignments well in advance in order to have a stress-free recovery period.
  • Arrange for transportation to return home after the surgery.
  • Arrange for aftercare or have a family member or friend who is ready to stay home with the patient for the first two or three days for assistance.

The risk of complications will be considerably mitigated and the patient can expect to have a smoother and faster recovery if she is well-prepared before the breast reduction surgery.


A Day before the Surgery

The patient should consider these simple tips and follow them just a day before the breast reduction procedure:

  • Have a good night’s sleep and rest adequately in the 24 hours prior to the surgery.
  • If the surgery requires general anesthesia, do not eat or drink anything for eight hours prior to the surgery.
  • Avoid alcohol consumption for at least two days before the surgery.
  • Avoid wearing jewelry, makeup, body piercings and contact lenses on the day of surgery.
  • Wear loose fitting and comfortable clothes while visiting the surgery center. Choose a top with front buttons for easy handing after the breast reduction surgery.
  • Diabetic patients should have their vital parameters checked on the morning of the surgery.

It is a good idea to arrange for some items in advance at home, such as comfortable garments, extra pillows, pain medications, bandages and ice packs. Experienced plastic surgeon Dr. Kim receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas for breast reduction surgery and various other procedures for the breast, body, and face.

Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

instagram logoVisit and follow Dr. Eugene Kim on Instagram! See his confident, beautiful patients enjoying life after breast, facial and body contouring procedures.

Your Breast Reduction Consultation | Beverly Hills Plastic SurgeryPre-operative consultation lays down the foundation for a successful breast reduction cosmetic surgery procedure. The surgeon will have more clarity about the patient’s health and aesthetic requirements, and on the other hand, the patient will gain more confidence in the ability of the surgeon.

As part of the consultation, the surgeon will educate the patient about all aspects of breast reduction and help her to make an informed decision.

The patient should be prepared to have a close engagement during the consultation and participate proactively. Following the surgeon’s instructions during the pre- and post-operative period will help the patient to minimize risk and achieve her cosmetic goals. Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim provides breast reduction surgery to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and surrounding locations.


Cosmetic Goals

During the consultation, the surgeon will try to assess the reasons why patient wants to undergo breast reduction, and what precisely about her breasts may be bothering her. Some patients may have concerns about pain, discomfort or limitations of movement, apart from cosmetic issues. Based on the patient’s inputs, the surgeon will be able to create a customized breast reduction cosmetic surgery plan.


Health Assessment

The surgeon will conduct a review of the patient’s previous medical records, conduct a breast exam to check the anatomy and the skin laxity levels, and ask questions about her current health status. These issues must be clarified during the consultation to ensure the patient’s fitness for breast reduction surgery.

If the surgery is to be performed using general anesthesia, additional assessment may be required. The surgeon will also take a note of the patient’s history of drug allergies, if any. The consultation process will help to mitigate the risk of surgery and contribute to a safe and successful final outcome.


Current Medications

While preparing for the consultation for breast reduction, the patient should ideally make a list of all prescription and non-prescription drugs that she may be currently using. Any vitamins and herbal supplements should also be included in the list.

The surgeon may have to stop the patient’s use of certain medications, including blood thinners such as aspirin for a certain time period. The schedule of any prescription medication may be altered in consultation with the physician.


Lifestyle Adjustments

The patient will be required to abstain from smoking for a few weeks before and after the breast reduction procedure. Nicotine in tobacco can hinder the oxygen flow in the blood and pose risk during the surgery. The healing process after the surgery may also be slowed in case of smokers.

Some adjustments to the patient’s diet may be advised at the time of consultation. She may have to increase the daily intake of lean proteins for some time to support post-operative healing. Patients are encouraged to maintain a good fitness regimen prior to the surgery in order to have an easier recovery.

Dedicated plastic surgeon Dr. Kim receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and other communities for breast reduction.

Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

instagram logoVisit and follow Dr. Eugene Kim on Instagram! See his confident, beautiful patients enjoying life after breast, facial and body contouring procedures.

Breast Reduction Risks and Safety | Beverly Hills Plastic SurgeryBreast reduction is a relatively safe cosmetic surgery procedure, but it will still involve certain risks that are typically associated with a surgical procedure. The risk of infection, poor anesthesia reaction, asymmetrical breasts, and uneven nipple height are some of the key risks in this procedure. In any case, the potential benefits usually outweigh the risks of breast reduction.

A responsible surgeon will take care to ensure that the patient is made fully aware about the potential risks and complications involved in breast reduction. The first goal of the surgeon will be to help the patient make a well-considered choice. Dr. Eugene Kim is a board certified plastic surgeon providing breast reduction to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and surrounding locations.


Asymmetrical Breasts

The breasts may sometimes appear asymmetrical after breast reduction surgery. A skilled and experienced breast surgeon will be conscious of this possibility and will take care to avoid its occurrence. In any case, the appearance of asymmetrical breasts can be corrected later by way of revision surgery.

The surgeon will also inform the patient in advance that natural breasts are not entirely symmetrical. Minor differences in the shape and size of breasts are normal, and do not require a revision procedure.  


Uneven Nipple Height

The shape and size of the breasts will change and some of the breast skin will be moved during breast reduction cosmetic surgery. Therefore, the nipples may also have to be repositioned after the reduction. In some cases, nipples are first detached and then grafted in a new location. In other cases, where the nipples remain intact, the breast skin is tightened to fit the new, smaller breast size. In both cases, there is a risk of nipple height becoming irregular.


Altered Sensation

Temporary loss of sensation in the incision areas may occur after breast reduction surgery. Particularly when the nipples are repositioned, this risk will increase. If the procedure is performed without nipple grafting, the risk of altered sensation is cut down. Therefore, procedures such as nipple grafting should ideally be performed by a fully trained and experienced plastic surgeon.


Breastfeeding Risks

Once the woman has gone through breast reduction, it may not be possible for her to breastfeed in the future. The risk of this eventuality will vary according to the type of reduction technique used. In case of anchor pattern incision, the risk is higher because several milk ducts will be removed in this surgery, making it difficult to breastfeed in the future.

The risk of breastfeeding is somewhat reduced in case of vertical incision breast reduction surgical technique. In this case, at least a part of the nipple remains connected to the milk ducts. If the patient has only fatty tissue in the breasts and no glandular tissue, the procedure can be performed using liposuction. In this case, the risk of breastfeeding impairment is minimal.

Astute plastic surgeon Dr. Kim receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas across the landscape for breast reduction surgery.

Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

instagram logoVisit and follow Dr. Eugene Kim on Instagram! See his confident, beautiful patients enjoying life after breast, facial and body contouring procedures.

Breast Reduction Procedure Steps | Beverly Hills Plastic SurgeryBreast reduction is a major cosmetic surgery procedure aimed at creating more proportionately sized breasts. Apart from aesthetic benefits, the procedure may also help to reduce pain and discomfort in the shoulders, back, and neck. At the time of pre-op consultation, the breast surgeon will discuss about the various steps involved in the breast reduction surgery.  

When the patient learns about how the breast surgery will be performed, it will relieve her of some of her pre-surgery anxiety and make her feel more confident about the procedure. Dr. Eugene Kim is a board certified plastic surgeon providing breast reduction and various other procedures to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and surrounding locations.


A detailed personal consultation with the breast surgeon will be the first step in the breast reduction cosmetic surgery process. At the time of the consultation, the surgeon will assess the patient’s candidacy, evaluate her aesthetic goals and expectations, and provide pre- and post-operative instructions for a successful surgery. An evaluation of her current health and a breast exam will also be performed. Specialized mammograms may be ordered in a few cases.



Breast reduction surgery will usually be performed with the patient under general anesthesia, but local anesthesia with sedation may be applied in some cases. This will be the first step after the patient is brought into the surgery room.

An anesthesiologist or a nurse anesthetist may be present throughout the procedure to monitor the patient’s response to anesthesia. Once the surgery is completed, the patient will be brought out of anesthesia.


Incision Placement

Breast reduction is generally performed using one of the following incision techniques: an anchor shaped incision, a vertical incision, or a scar-less incision. The anchor incision is made around the lower half of the areola circumference, going vertically down the breast, and then horizontally across the breast crease.

The vertical incision will be placed around the lower half of the areola, and proceeding vertically down the breast to minimize scarring. A scar-less incision will involve very tiny incisions made in inconspicuous sites through which fat tissue will be removed via liposuction.


Fat and Skin Reduction

Excess skin and fat deposits from the lower portion of the breasts will be removed through the incisions. In some cases, the patient may only have fatty tissue in the breasts, and no glandular tissue. This can be removed simply with a liposuction technique, which will mitigate the tissue trauma, and result in minimal scarring and quicker recovery.


Repositioning of the Nipples

Nipples may have to be repositioned to a higher level to create a natural breast appearance. The surgeon will detach the nipple from the breast and then graft it to a more appropriate site. This step becomes more important for women with excessively large breasts, who require substantive reduction.


Closing the Incision

Following the completion of surgery, the incisions will be closed with sutures. Patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas have an opportunity to receive breast reduction from dedicated plastic surgeon Dr. Kim.

Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

instagram logoVisit and follow Dr. Eugene Kim on Instagram! See his confident, beautiful patients enjoying life after breast, facial and body contouring procedures.