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Talking about Plastic Surgery Cost

Talking about Plastic Surgery Cost

Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica

Many patients prioritize cost when they choose a plastic surgeon. Although cost is an obvious consideration for just about any of us, you should also consider the value of the plastic surgery services and results you are paying for. Prioritize finding a surgeon who offers high-quality results, and ask about financing and payment options so you can get the care you deserve.

What Influences Plastic Surgery Cost?

Before choosing a surgeon based only on the price of the procedure, you should consider the factors influencing cost, which may include:

  • Technology used
  • Surgeon’s experience
  • Surgeon’s fees
  • Anesthesia costs
    Facility fees

In most cases, it’s a mistake to assume the most expensive surgeon is the best surgeon, or to choose the cheapest plastic surgery practice. Of course, that isn’t to say you should always choose the surgeon who charges in between the cheapest and most expensive; it is wise to consider other factors in addition to affordability.

Balancing Value and Cost

Realistically, just about everyone has to consider cost a factor when pursuing plastic surgery. It’s expensive, and like most other people, you probably have some type of budget for your procedure.

While you are considering cost, it’s also important to consider the value of your surgery results and the care you are receiving. Although a qualified plastic surgeon may come at a higher cost than other surgeons, you should consider whether the value of the surgeon’s services includes:

  • Personalized surgeon-to-patient attention
  • In-depth and individualized consultation
  • Safe surgical facility
  • Attentive follow-up appointments
  • High-quality results

Once you’ve considered the value of plastic surgery, you should seek the practice delivering these values while offering the most affordable cost and financing options. Don’t sacrifice your results and the quality of your care for a certain price, but do seek the surgeon with whom you feel your safety and the quality of your results are a priority. Once you find a surgeon you trust to deliver safety and results, ask about financing or other payment options to help you access the surgeon’s care.

To discuss specific plastic surgery costs in Los Angeles, please contact Eugene Kim, M.D., Plastic Surgery, to schedule a consultation.

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    436 North Bedford Dr.,
    Ste. 305
    Beverly Hills, CA 90210