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Liposuction Risks and Safety Information

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Liposuction Risks and Safety Information | Beverly Hills Cosmetic SurgeryLiposuction currently ranks as the second most popular cosmetic surgery procedure in the US, according to the ASPS figures. Innovative surgical techniques have made the procedure safer and less invasive today. However, a certain level of risk continues to be associated with liposuction, just any other surgery.

Choosing the right surgeon is the surest way to minimize risk in liposuction. The patient should also be committed to following the surgeon’s pre- and post-operative instructions for safe outcomes. Dr. Eugene Kim is a board certified plastic surgeon providing liposuction to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and surrounding communities.


Possible Complications

Serious complications in liposuction cosmetic surgery are rare, as long as the procedure is performed a fully qualified and trained surgeon. But the possibility of following complications should be known to the patient prior to the procedure:

  • Infection occurring during or after the surgery
  • Poor anesthesia reaction
  • Formation of blood clots
  • Fluid accumulation beneath the skin or hematoma
  • Excessive loss of blood and bodily fluids during fat removal
  • Prolonged or permanent numbness in the incision areas
  • Slow healing
  • Unfavorable scarring
  • Changes in pigmentation
  • Damage to healthy surrounding tissue or nerves
  • Damage to other organs


Extremely Rare Complications

Severe complications may occur with liposuction surgery in exceptionally rare circumstances. These could include cardiac arrest, cardiac arrhythmia, internal blood clotting, excessive bleeding, seizures, permanent nerve damage, brain damage from anesthesia, or acute drug interactions.

A trained and experienced plastic surgeon will be able to virtually eliminate the possibility of such extreme complications. They will choose the right candidate and will follow all the established safety protocols. Dr. Kim receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas for liposuction.


Excessive Fat Removal

Risks will increase if the surgeon performs excessive liposuction on a single day. They should remove not more than 10 pounds of fat from a specific area for body contouring. Larger amounts of fat removal from the body, whether in a single or multiple areas, can increase the risk of serious complications.

Adverse cosmetic results of excessive liposuction can be lumps, dents, and sagging skin in the treated areas. Liposuction can be performed in phases, if the patient requires extensive fat reduction. Each phase should be scheduled sufficiently apart in order to ensure patient safety.


Risk Reduction

The patient should be prepared to make full disclosure about their health condition, previous medical records, current medications and supplements, history of smoking and drinking, and other lifestyle habits, if any. This will enable the surgeon to make a well-considered decision about the patient’s candidacy for liposuction.

If the patient has undergone weight loss, their body weight should have stabilized and should within 25 pounds of their ideal body weight. The surgeon may prefer tumescent liposuction technique to avoid general anesthesia risks, and may sometimes use laser, ultrasound, or RF technologies to make liposuction more targeted and precise as well as minimally invasive.

Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

instagram logoVisit and follow Dr. Eugene Kim on Instagram! See his confident, beautiful patients enjoying life after breast, facial and body contouring procedures.

Liposuction Steps | Los Angeles Plastic Surgery | Beverly HillsLiposuction currently ranks as the second most popular cosmetic surgery procedure in the US, according to the figures released by the ASPS. The surgical procedure over the years has been simplified, and innovative technologies such as laser, ultrasound and RF are now used to support liposuction in some cases. However, the basic procedure steps in liposuction remain largely unchanged.

Dr. Eugene Kim is a board certified plastic surgeon providing liposuction and other surgical and non-surgical cosmetic body contouring procedures. At the time of initial consultation, Dr. Kim will discuss about various aspects of liposuction and explain the procedure steps to relieve the patient of any pre-surgery anxiety and concerns. Dr. Kim provides liposuction to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and surrounding communities.



Liposuction cosmetic surgery is nowadays commonly performed using the tumescent technique. This technique is less invasive and avoids the need for general anesthesia. The surgeon will use a solution with lidocaine local anesthetic to numb the local area.

Mild sedation along with local anesthesia may be used in some cases. General anesthesia will be used only if large amount of fat tissue removal is involved or if the patient wants to be completely unconscious during the procedure.


Incision Placement

Liposuction surgery will begin with the surgeon making small incisions in the pre-determined discreet locations. Incision size may vary from a quarter to a third of an inch. The surgeon’s goal will be to use minimal incisions in order to make the recovery speedier and minimize subsequent scarring. Proven plastic surgeon Dr. Kim receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas for liposuction.


Removal of Excess Fat Tissue

A thin cannula will be inserted through the incision to the deeper fat tissue layers. The surgeon will gently manipulate the stubborn tissue by moving the cannula back and forth and dislodge the targeted fat cells. Once the fat cells are disintegrated, they will be suctioned out through a syringe attached to the outer end of the cannula.


Heat Energy Intervention   

In some cases, liposuction may be accompanied by the use of controlled heat energy generated through laser, ultrasound or radio frequency techniques. The heat will help to liquefy the fat cells, enabling their removal in a less invasive manner. The patient will be given IV fluids during the surgery to compensate for the loss of blood and bodily fluids, which may occur during the fat removal process.


Closing the Incisions

Once the liposuction process is completed, the surgeon will close the incisions carefully with removable or dissolvable sutures. Temporary drainage tubes may be placed below the skin in the incision areas to collect excess fluid. Drains and sutures may be removed in about one week. If minor liposuction is performed using very small incisions, the surgeon may keep them open to minimize bruising and promote faster healing.

Liposuction may sometimes be combined with other procedures such as body lift, tummy tuck, and mommy makeover. The procedure steps will vary in such cases according to the customized surgery plan.

Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

instagram logoVisit and follow Dr. Eugene Kim on Instagram! See his confident, beautiful patients enjoying life after breast, facial and body contouring procedures.

Liposuction Recovery | Los Angeles Cosmetic Surgery | Beverly HillsLiposuction is one of the more customizable cosmetic surgery procedures, which may be performed independently or in conjunction with other surgeries. Therefore, the recovery process will vary from one patient to another. At the time of initial consultation, the surgeon will explain all about the recovery and the precautions required.

Dr. Eugene Kim is a board certified plastic surgeon providing liposuction and various other procedures. Dr. Kim will educate his patients about all aspects of liposuction, including the recovery and downtime. His first goal is to help the patient make a well-considered decision. Dr. Kim provides liposuction to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and surrounding communities.


Immediate Post-Operative Phase

Liposuction cosmetic surgery is usually performed as an outpatient procedure, and the patient will be allowed to return home the same day. They will be moved to an observation area immediately after the surgery, and kept under monitoring for a few hours. The incision areas will be covered with bandages to support initial healing.

The patient should have a responsible person to drive them back home after the surgery. If a significant amount of liposuction has been performed, they should preferably have someone at home to assist with the household chores for the first two to three days. The surgeon will prescribe pain medications and antibiotics for the first few days. If the patient is anemic, iron supplements may also be prescribed. Before the patient leaves for home, they will be provided a set of post-op care instructions for a speedy recovery.   


First Week

The patient may have to wear the bandages or an elasticated support corset for the first week in order to mitigate bruising and swelling. Bruising and swelling will be prominent in the first week, particularly if the liposuction area is large. Bruising will subside quickly after the first week, but the swelling will gradually reduce over several weeks and months. The patient should take plenty of rest in the first week, stay sufficiently hydrated, and take a diet rich in lean proteins for a faster recovery.

Mild walks at home are recommended from the second day to promote blood flow. Initial numbness in the incision areas will disappear gradually on its own. Most patients will be able to return to their normal routine or go back to work in about a week to 10 days. Experienced and standout plastic surgeon Dr. Kim receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas for liposuction surgery.


Long-term Recovery

Swelling in the incision areas will be eliminated completely in about three months after liposuction. Subtle improvements will be noticeable immediately after the surgery, but full results of liposuction will be seen as the swelling completely disappears.

Patients should visit the surgeon for follow-up appointments as scheduled to ensure proper monitoring and healthy recovery. They can resume vigorous activities and exercises after about four to six weeks of the surgery. A balanced diet and active lifestyle must be maintained in the long run to enjoy the results of liposuction for an extended period of time.

Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

instagram logoVisit and follow Dr. Eugene Kim on Instagram! See his confident, beautiful patients enjoying life after breast, facial and body contouring procedures.

Your Breast Augmentation (Implants) Consultation | Beverly HillsBreast augmentation is one of the more customizable cosmetic surgery procedures, which is also the reason behind its increasing popularity. This makes pre-op consultation a pivotal part of the process so that the surgical plan can be optimized to meet the unique needs of the patient. Free and frank communication between the surgeon and the patient will help immensely and in more ways than one in terms of making this consultation a success.

Dr. Eugene Kim is a board certified plastic surgeon providing breast augmentation and various other procedures for the breast, body, and face. Dr. Kim will closely engage with the patient during the consultation process to create a surgical plan that is tailored to her requirements. He provides breast augmentation to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and surrounding locations.


Determining Candidacy

To begin with, the surgeon will use the consultation process to determine whether the patient is a suitable candidate for breast augmentation cosmetic surgery. A general health exam, including a review of the patient’s breast anatomy, skin laxity, and quality of skin in the breast area will be carried out.

The surgeon will review the patient’s medical and surgical history, and may order any specialized mammograms or other tests, if necessary. The surgeon will encourage the patient to share her personal aesthetic needs and goals during the consultation.


Key Decisions

The plastic surgeon will have to make several key decisions in close consultation with the patient with regard to the selection of breast implants, the type of surgical technique, and whether breast lift may have to be combined with implant surgery.


Choice of Implants

At the time of initial consultation, the surgeon will inform the patient about various types of breast implants such as saline, silicone and gummy bear implants, and describe the benefits and limitations of each. Choices about implant size, shape, and texture will also be made at this stage.


Placement of Implants

The surgeon will explain to the patient about the placement position of implants, which could be under the pectoral muscle, or in front of the pectoral muscle right behind the breast tissue. The invasiveness of the procedure will vary in each case, and a decision will be taken according to the patient’s goals and her specific breast anatomy.


Location of Incisions

The surgeon will have the option to perform breast implant procedure through incisions located beneath the breast crease, under the arms, around the circumference of the areola, or through the belly button. The pros and cons and the possibility of subsequent scarring will be reviewed for each option to help the patient make the best decisions.

Dr. Kim receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas for breast augmentation surgery.


Preparation and Recovery Instructions

The surgeon will provide detailed guidelines to be followed as a part of the pre-op preparation process and post-op recovery. The patient should cooperate in this process for her own benefit and make complete disclosures about health, medications, smoking, or other issues. The surgeon’s instructions should be followed diligently to achieve the best outcome from this breast augmentation surgery.


Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

instagram logoVisit and follow Dr. Eugene Kim on Instagram! See his confident, beautiful patients enjoying life after breast, facial and body contouring procedures.

Preparing for Breast Augmentation (Implants) Surgery | Beverly HillsAccording to the annual statistical reports released by the ASPS, nearly 4.5 million breast augmentation cosmetic surgery procedures were performed between 1997 and 2012. The high safety and success rates have made it the most popular plastic surgery procedure today. Pre-operative preparation is a critical component that will contribute to the final outcome of breast augmentation.

Dr. Eugene Kim is a board certified plastic surgeon providing breast augmentation and various other surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures. Dr. Kim will closely engage with the patient through the preparation process and other stages of the procedure. He provides breast implant surgery to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and surrounding locations.


Examining Personal Goals

To begin with, the patient should carefully examine her reasons for seeking breast implant cosmetic surgery. She is in the best position to let the surgeon know about her innate aesthetic needs and aspirations, and what precisely bothers her about the existing breasts that she wants to improve.

Breast augmentation surgery is a highly personal journey, and the patient should not choose it just because someone else says so. She should review the practice website of the probable surgeon she may have chosen for the procedure to learn more about breast augmentation before she visits for a consultation.


Breast Augmentation Online Forums

The patient should ideally connect with other women who have undergone breast augmentation previously and are willing to share their experiences. The Internet offers this opportunity through major online forums such as RealSelf where a woman can find practical, real-world advice, and information about the procedure.

Gaining community support and listening to first-hand experiences of others will help a woman discover whether breast augmentation is the right procedure for her. She will be in a position to have a more meaningful engagement during her pre-op consultation.


Fulfilling Candidacy Requirements

The plastic surgeon would assess the patient’s candidacy before accepting them for breast augmentation surgery. The patient should have a stable body weight and should be in reasonably good health prior to the surgery. She should not have any near-future plans for a pregnancy or a major weight loss program.

The patient should develop realistic expectations by reviewing as many before and after photos as possible for this procedure. She can do this before and during the consultation process. She should also prepare a list of questions and concerns that she may want the surgeon to address during the consultation.


Before the Surgery

The surgeon will advise the following guidelines for preparation before the breast augmentation surgery:

Avoid the use of anti-inflammatory medications, aspirin, vitamins, and herbal supplements for about two weeks prior to the surgery.

  • Alter the schedule of any prescription drugs in consultation with the surgeon and the primary care physician.
  • Refrain from smoking at least a month before the surgery to minimize the risk of delayed post-operative healing.
  • Arrange for transportation and aftercare to ensure a comfortable post-surgical recovery phase.

Dr. Kim receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas for breast augmentation.

Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

instagram logoVisit and follow Dr. Eugene Kim on Instagram! See his confident, beautiful patients enjoying life after breast, facial and body contouring procedures.

Breast Augmentation (Implants) Procedure Steps | Beverly HillsBreast augmentation is one of the most customizable cosmetic surgery procedures, which is also a key reason behind its popularity. Different surgical techniques can be applied to perform this surgery, but the overall steps in the procedure largely remain unchanged. The surgeon will discuss the steps during the initial consultation to educate the patient and relieve her of any anxiety.

Dr. Eugene Kim is a board certified plastic surgeon providing breast augmentation surgery. Dr. Kim will address all questions and concerns of the patient about the procedure in detail. He provides breast augmentation to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and surrounding locations.



Most surgeons will prefer to use general anesthesia to perform breast augmentation cosmetic surgery. An anesthesiologist or a registered anesthetist nurse will administer anesthesia, and will remain present throughout the surgery to monitor the patient’s condition. Once the procedure is over, the patient will be brought out of anesthesia.

The patient will remain nauseous and groggy for some time after the surgery due to anesthesia effects. She should have someone to drive her back home after the surgery, and preferably stay overnight for assistance.


Creating the Incisions

Following anesthesia, the incisions will be placed in a discreet location, which could be the breast crease, the armpit, the border of the areola, or around the navel. Subsequent scarring can be minimized when the incisions are placed in an inconspicuous location.

The decision about incision location will be made at the time of surgical planning. The breast surgeon will take into account the patient’s unique breast anatomy and her aesthetic goals. Experienced plastic surgeon Dr. Kim receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas for breast implants.


Placement of the Implants

Breast implants may be placed below the pectoral muscle or in front of the pectoral muscle right behind the breast tissue. Both placement options have their own benefits and limitations. The right placement position will be chosen at the time of surgical planning in consultation with the patient. Patient’s goals and her body type will be evaluated to make this decision.


Incision Closure

After the implants have been placed and adjusted into the desired position, the surgeon will carefully close the incisions with absorbable or traditional sutures. Absorbable sutures will dissolve on their own in a few days, but traditional sutures will have to be removed by the surgeon in about a week or 10 days.

Incision site should be kept clean during the initial post-operative phase to mitigate the risk of infection. Strenuous activity and exercises should be avoided until the healing in the incision areas has sufficiently taken place.


Bandages and Drains

After the surgery, the breasts will be covered with bandages to support healing. The surgeon will also provide a special surgical bra that the patient will be required to wear full-time for several weeks for support to the newly shaped breasts. Drain tubes will be temporarily placed in the incision areas to collect excess fluid and reduce the risk of infection.

Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

instagram logoVisit and follow Dr. Eugene Kim on Instagram! See his confident, beautiful patients enjoying life after breast, facial and body contouring procedures.

Breast Augmentation Risks and Safety Information | Beverly HillsBreast augmentation has emerged as the number one cosmetic surgery procedure in the US, as per the ASPS figures for 2015. Advanced surgical techniques have made the procedure less invasive and less painful, while innovative breast implant qualities have made the procedure more sustainable. However, certain risks remain inherent to breast augmentation, just like any other surgery.

During the pre-op consultation, the breast surgeon will explain about the potential risks and complications involved, and help the patient to make a well-considered decision. Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim provides breast augmentation and various other procedures to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and surrounding locations.


Risks associated with Implants

Breast implant related risks in breast augmentation cosmetic surgery include:


Capsular Contracture

Following the surgical insertion of breast implants, the body will start its healing process. Natural scar tissue formation will occur around the implants. Sometimes this scar tissue may start contracting or hardening, which will place the implants under pressure.

As the implants are squeezed due to tightening of scar tissue, they may become misshaped or damaged. The patient may experience pain as the breast hardens. The surgeon will have to perform breast implant replacement or removal surgery in such cases.


Rippling of Breast Implants

If the implant develops wrinkles or folds after the surgery, it can create a rippling effect, distorting the natural shape of breasts. Sometimes larger implants may be placed, and the breast skin may be overstretched due to limited availability of tissue.

This will increase the risk of implant rippling. Experienced plastic surgeon Dr. Kim receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas for breast implants.


Rupture or Shifting of Implants

In exceptional circumstances, the implant may shift from its desired position shortly after the breast augmentation surgery. The risk of displacement increases in case of larger sized implants.

Ruptures may occur in case of saline implants, which will cause implant deflation. If rupture occurs in silicone implants, it may only get detected during an MRI test. Breast revision surgery may have to performed to correct these conditions.


Risks associated with Surgery


The risk of infection will exist to some degree during and after the breast implant surgery. The surgical facility can minimize the risk by maintaining high standards of hygiene. The patient may be prescribed antibiotics post-operatively and drain tubes may be temporarily placed beneath the skin to collect excess fluid in the initial recovery period. These measures will mitigate the post-surgery infection risk.


Altered Sensation in Nipple Area

Change of sensation, sensitivity or numbness may occur in the nipple area after breast implant surgery. Although in most cases, the condition will resolve on its own, but in a few cases, the altered sensation may be prolonged or permanent. Minimal disruption of nerve pathways during surgery can minimize this risk.


Unfavorable Scarring

The risk of conspicuous scarring can be minimized when the surgeon places the incisions in discreet locations such as in the crease at the base of the breast.


Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

instagram logoVisit and follow Dr. Eugene Kim on Instagram! See his confident, beautiful patients enjoying life after breast, facial and body contouring procedures.

Otoplasty Plastic Surgery (Ear Reshaping) Before and After PhotosOtoplasty, commonly known as ear reshaping cosmetic surgery, is a procedure designed to improve the physical appearance of the ears to harmonize them with other facial features. During the initial consultation, the surgeon will discuss all aspects of the procedure to help the patient make an informed choice. The surgeon may also present otoplasty before and after photographs at the first appointment.

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim provides otoplasty and various other cosmetic procedures. Dr. Kim’s first priority will be to educate the patient about otoplasty and address all their doubts and concerns. He provides otoplasty to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and surrounding locations.

What are Otoplasty Before and After Photographs?

Before and after photographs in case of otoplasty refer to a pair or group of images pertaining to an earlier patient who has undergone the same procedure with a satisfactory outcome. The images include pictures taken prior to the surgery and after the surgery at a stage when the initial swelling and bruising is eliminated and full effects of the procedure are visible.

The surgeon will take care to ensure that otoplasty cosmetic surgery before and after photographs are obtained with the patient’s full consent and present before new patients in an appropriate manner. The patient’s confidentiality will be maintained as required. The only purpose behind this entire exercise is to use these photographs as a visual aid to help new patients understand the potential effectiveness of otoplasty.


When a new patient seeks otoplasty, they may only have vague idea about how the procedure may help to meet their personal aesthetic goals, and how their overall facial appearance might be impacted with this change. Some patients may need a correction only in one ear, while others may need it in both.

Ear reconstruction may be needed in a few cases where one or both ears have suffered a severe injury or have major birth defects. In all such situations, the patient will be more confident and will be able to make better decisions when they have access to otoplasty before and after photos.

Dr. Kim is an experienced plastic surgeon receiving patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas for otoplasty and various other procedures of the breast, body, and face.

Having Reasonable Expectations

When a patient has a positive state of mind, clear cosmetic goals and reasonable expectations, they will usually achieve high satisfaction levels in any aesthetic procedure. Therefore, experienced surgeons prefer to provide otoplasty before and after photos at the very outset so that the patient knows exactly what to expect and what not to expect from the surgery. This will mitigate the risk of any disappointment occurring for the patient at a later stage, and will benefit everyone involved.

Online Photographs

The surgeon has an option to provide otoplasty before and after photos on their practice website. They may even choose to provide free access to these photos via their social media accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google+.

The plastic surgery community, including Dr. Kim, has embraced digital technology since it enables the patient to be more educated on either decision they make. Old Polaroid pictures and picture books combined with the surgeon’s explanation are now things of the past.

Yes, you will still want to speak to Dr. Kim but as they say, a picture speaks a thousand words and a digital pictures speak even more. Now patients can determine what to expect from Otoplasty or ear reconstruction surgery from their own home or at least have a very good idea on what to expect because of the acute detail of these pictures.


Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

instagram logoVisit and follow Dr. Eugene Kim on Instagram! See his confident, beautiful patients enjoying life after breast, facial and body contouring procedures.

Otoplasty Plastic Surgery (Ear Reshaping) Cost | Beverly HillsEar repinning surgery or otoplasty is a proven cosmetic surgery procedure designed to correct the appearance of ears with permanent results. At the time of pre-op consultation, the surgeon will explain all aspects of the surgery, including its estimated costs. The patient should feel free to clarify all issues concerning costs, and make a well-considered decision.

Dr. Eugene Kim is a board certified plastic surgeon providing otoplasty and various other surgical and non-surgical procedures. Dr. Kim will educate the patient about otoplasty and advise a cost estimated on the basis of the type and extent of surgery the patient may require. He provides otoplasty to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and surrounding locations.


Cost and Benefits

Whether it is an adult or a child, poorly shaped ears can be a source of constant frustration or embarrassment for many patients. A child may feel shy or lack in confidence when in the company of other kids, and an adult may be self-conscious or lack in self-esteem due to awkward looking ears. Otoplasty cosmetic surgery can effectively and permanently resolve these problems with a one-time procedure.

Although the otoplasty procedure will cost a considerable amount of money, including all pre- and post-operative costs, but the costs will be quickly forgotten, while the benefits will be reaped forever. Therefore, a surgeon may encourage a candidate who is fit for otoplasty to undergo the procedure and enjoy an improved facial appearance and a superior quality of life.


Financial Factors

The sticker price of otoplasty can differ between two practices and even two patients at the same practice in some cases. Some of the major cost factors include:


Practice Location

If the practice is located in a big city along the coasts or another prime urban center, the costs of otoplasty may be higher as compared to a smaller town in an interior region. This is possible because the living costs index will vary from one place to another, impacting the costs of most types of goods and services, including aesthetic procedures.


Surgeon’s Fee

The fee charged by a plastic surgeon may vary according to their credentials and reputation. The demand is usually higher for surgeons who are board certified and have an outstanding track record of performance in various surgical procedures. Against that, a new or a less trained surgeon may charge a lesser fee. Dr. Kim receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas for otoplasty.


Extent of Surgery

A simple ear pinning surgery performed in one or both ears may cost less than a complex or lengthy procedure involving correction congenital deformities of the ears. If ear reconstruction is required following a severe injury, the overall price tag of the procedure may increase considerably.


Insurance and Financing

Congenital deformities of the ear may sometimes be covered under the health plan of the patient. In other cases, the patients will be mostly eligible for an array of financing options, which will allow them to pay for the procedure in affordable monthly installments.

Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

instagram logoVisit and follow Dr. Eugene Kim on Instagram! See his confident, beautiful patients enjoying life after breast, facial and body contouring procedures.

What is Otoplasty Plastic Surgery? | Beverly Hills | Los AngelesEar reshaping surgery or otoplasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure aimed at correcting the size, shape or appearance of one or both ears to bring them in proportion to the rest of the face and head. Otoplasty is one of the few cosmetic procedures that may be performed on children, apart from adults, as long as the child has attained complete ear development. Ear shape deformities usually occur from birth, and can be improved easily with otoplasty.

The plastic surgeon will carefully assess the shape and condition of the ear in relation to the facial and head anatomy, and then recommend an appropriate otoplasty surgical plan. The surgeon’s goal should be to achieve the desired results in a less invasive manner as far as possible. Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim provides otoplasty to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and surrounding locations.



Any healthy individual who is bothered by the appearance of oversized, misshaped, asymmetrical or flapping ears can be a good candidate for otoplasty. Children with deformed or poorly shaped ears can also receive this cosmetic surgery procedure if they meet one or more of the following conditions:

  • The child’s age is at least five years, and the ear cartilage has achieved full growth and stability.
  • The child is not suffering from any untreated ear infection.
  • The child is able to comprehend the surgeon’s advice and cooperate for a successful surgery.

Teens and adults will make equally good candidates for otoplasty. Dr. Kim is a board certified plastic surgeon receiving patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas for otoplasty.


Surgical Procedure

Otoplasty may be performed using mild general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. If the ears are significantly protruding, the surgeon may build or enhance the anti-helical fold within the ear’s rim. The surgeon will also reduce the enlarged conchal cavity at the same time.

Placement of the incisions will usually be behind the ears so that the scars are minimally exposed. In a few cases, the ears may have to be made on the front side, but they will still be made within the ear folds. Internal sutures will be used to secure the newly shaped cartilage into the desired position.

The incisions will be closed with external sutures once the procedure has been completed. As long as otoplasty is performed by a skilled surgeon, the results can be natural looking and aesthetically pleasing. The good thing about otoplasty is that the results will usually be permanent.



Recovery period can vary between two patients depending on whether one or both ears have been operated upon, and the extent of surgery performed. A majority of patients will be in a position to resume their normal routine or return to work in about one week.

During the first few days, the patient may use pain medication to stay comfortable. Bruising and swelling will reduce considerably from second week. External sutures will usually be removed during the first post-op appointment at the end of the first week.


Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

instagram logoVisit and follow Dr. Eugene Kim on Instagram! See his confident, beautiful patients enjoying life after breast, facial and body contouring procedures.