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Your Breast Augmentation (Implants) Consultation

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Your Breast Augmentation (Implants) ConsultationBreast augmentation is one of the more customizable cosmetic surgery procedures, which is also the reason behind its increasing popularity. This makes pre-op consultation a pivotal part of the process so that the surgical plan can be optimized to meet the unique needs of the patient. Free and frank communication between the surgeon and the patient will help immensely and in more ways than one in terms of making this consultation a success.

Dr. Eugene Kim is a board certified plastic surgeon providing breast augmentation and various other procedures for the breast, body, and face. Dr. Kim will closely engage with the patient during the consultation process to create a surgical plan that is tailored to her requirements. He provides breast augmentation to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and surrounding locations.


Determining Candidacy

To begin with, the surgeon will use the consultation process to determine whether the patient is a suitable candidate for breast augmentation cosmetic surgery. A general health exam, including a review of the patient’s breast anatomy, skin laxity, and quality of skin in the breast area will be carried out.

The surgeon will review the patient’s medical and surgical history, and may order any specialized mammograms or other tests, if necessary. The surgeon will encourage the patient to share her personal aesthetic needs and goals during the consultation.


Key Decisions

The plastic surgeon will have to make several key decisions in close consultation with the patient with regard to the selection of breast implants, the type of surgical technique, and whether breast lift may have to be combined with implant surgery.


Choice of Implants

At the time of initial consultation, the surgeon will inform the patient about various types of breast implants such as saline, silicone and gummy bear implants, and describe the benefits and limitations of each. Choices about implant size, shape, and texture will also be made at this stage.


Placement of Implants

The surgeon will explain to the patient about the placement position of implants, which could be under the pectoral muscle, or in front of the pectoral muscle right behind the breast tissue. The invasiveness of the procedure will vary in each case, and a decision will be taken according to the patient’s goals and her specific breast anatomy.


Location of Incisions

The surgeon will have the option to perform breast implant procedure through incisions located beneath the breast crease, under the arms, around the circumference of the areola, or through the belly button. The pros and cons and the possibility of subsequent scarring will be reviewed for each option to help the patient make the best decisions.

Dr. Kim receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas for breast augmentation surgery.


Preparation and Recovery Instructions

The surgeon will provide detailed guidelines to be followed as a part of the pre-op preparation process and post-op recovery. The patient should cooperate in this process for her own benefit and make complete disclosures about health, medications, smoking, or other issues. The surgeon’s instructions should be followed diligently to achieve the best outcome from this breast augmentation surgery.


Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

Your Breast Augmentation (Implants) ConsultationVisit and follow Dr. Eugene Kim on Instagram! See his confident, beautiful patients enjoying life after breast, facial and body contouring procedures.

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