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Your Breast Implant Surgery Consultation

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Your Breast Implant Surgery ConsultationIn a major cosmetic surgery procedure such as breast implants, pre-op consultation will have a key role in creating the foundation for a successful surgery. A significant amount of customization is possible in breast implant surgery, which can help to achieve more effective results in a targeted manner.

This necessitates the proactive involvement of the patient in the consultation process so that her personal goals and needs can be incorporated into the procedure. The consultation will also provide an opportunity to the patient to ask questions and clear any concerns or doubts about the procedure as well as the surgeon’s practice.

Patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and surrounding communities and cities in this part of the southwest have an opportunity to receive breast implant surgery from board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim.


Determining Candidacy

The surgeon will review the patient’s past medical records and examine her current health condition at the time of pre-op consultation. They may also order specialized mammograms in a few cases.

The surgeon will like to ensure that the patient does not suffer from any underlying condition that could place her at risk during or after the breast implant surgery. The patient’s breast anatomy, skin type and skin elasticity in the breast area will also be evaluated.


Major Decisions

Breast implant cosmetic surgery requires a few important decisions that will be taken during the consultation. These will include the right choice of breast implant type and size, the selection of the appropriate surgical technique, the location of incisions, and the placement of implants above or below the pectoral muscle.


Implant Selection

The final cosmetic outcome in breast implant surgery will be influenced by the type and size of implants chosen. Implants are available saline and silicone types, with options in sizes, shapes, profiles, and textures. The surgeon will educate the patient about the pros and cons of each type of implants in the context of the patient’s unique breast anatomy and her personal goals.


Incision Location

The options for locating the incisions in case of breast implant surgery include in the breast crease at the base of the breast, in the underarm area, or along the lower half of the areola border.

In exceptional situations, the surgeon may create a TUBA incision in the navel area. Judicious and magnificent plastic surgeon Dr. Kim receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas for breast implants.


Developing Expectations

Some surgeons prefer to present breast implant surgery before and after pictures at the time of pre-op consultation. This will help ensure that the patient has a fair idea about what to expect and what not to expect from the breast implant procedure. Such patients will often appreciate the final outcomes in a better way and feel positive about their new image.


Pre- and Post-op Instructions

During the consultation, the patient will receive instructions about a few precautions to be taken during the pre- and post-surgical phases. The patient will also be required to avoid smoking for a few weeks as advised by the surgeon.
Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

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    436 North Bedford Dr.,
    Ste. 305
    Beverly Hills, CA 90210