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Preparing for Liposuction Plastic Surgery

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Preparing for Liposuction Plastic SurgeryLiposuction has ranked among the top three cosmetic surgery procedures in the US over the last several years. Pre-operative preparation is an important component of the overall process, and lays the foundation for a safe and predictable liposuction surgery. The patient should be committed to carefully follow the instructions for preparation.

Patients with adequate preparation are usually less anxious, more confident and have clear expectations from liposuction. This adds to their chances of achieving higher levels of personal satisfaction from the results. Dr. Eugene Kim is a board certified plastic surgeon providing liposuction and various other cosmetic and reconstructive procedures to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and surrounding communities.


Prior to the Surgery

The patient should complete the following tasks as part of preparation well ahead of the scheduled date of liposuction cosmetic surgery:

  • Arrange to send the previous medical and surgical records to the office of the liposuction surgeon for their review.
  • Make a list of current prescription and non-prescription drugs, including aspirin and other blood thinners, herbal supplements and vitamins to present before the surgeon.
  • Getting any lab tests or x-rays done as advised by the surgeon.
  • Alter the schedule of current prescription drugs in consultation with the primary physician, as necessary.
  • Quit smoking for a few weeks prior to the liposuction surgery, as per the surgeon’s instructions.
  • Complete any major tasks at home or office well in advance to ensure that the post-op recovery phase remains stress-free.
  • Arrange for a responsible person to drive the patient back home after the liposuction surgery.
  • Arrange for aftercare, which may be needed in the first few days after the surgery.

Following the surgeon’s recovery instructions is the best way to improve the chances of a safe liposuction surgery and speedier recovery.


A Day before the Surgery

Some simple tips can be followed just a day before the liposuction surgery. The surgeon’s team may offer instructions about this:

  • Rest well and have a good night’s sleep before the day of surgery.
  • Do not eat or drink anything for at least eight hours prior to the surgery.
  • Do not consume alcohol for 48 hours prior to the scheduled time of surgery.
  • Avoid wearing any makeup, body piercings, jewelry, nail paint or contact lenses on the day of the surgery.
  • Preferably wear comfortable and loose fitting clothes on way to the surgery center. If liposuction is to be performed in the upper body, the top should button in the front.
  • Diabetic patients should get their vital parameters checked on the morning of the surgery.

Some degree of pre-operative stress and anxiety is normal and expected a day before the surgery. The surgeon may prescribe a calming medication to be taken on the night before the liposuction surgery.

Patients should arrange essential items at home in advance so that they are not inconvenienced once they return home from the surgery. Experienced plastic surgeon Dr. Kim receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas for liposuction.

Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

Preparing for Liposuction Plastic SurgeryVisit and follow Dr. Eugene Kim on Instagram! See his confident, beautiful patients enjoying life after breast, facial and body contouring procedures.

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    436 North Bedford Dr.,
    Ste. 305
    Beverly Hills, CA 90210