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How Long Should I Wait To Have My Implants Checked?

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How Long Should I Wait To Have My Implants Checked?Have you had your breast implants for a few years now? Do you remember your breast surgeon asking you to schedule a check-up or get an MRI done every few years? This is done to make sure the breast implants are properly positioned and in good shape. 

You may think that you have some time before you need to take any action. However, those few years may already have caught up with you. It may be time to get that check-up performed by your cosmetic surgeon. Double board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim provides breast augmentation surgery to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations.

Frequency of Getting Breast Implants Checked

As per the FDA guidelines, patients with silicone implants should get their breast implants screened through an MRI after three years of the initial procedure. They should get subsequent MRI screening performed every 2 years after that. Silicone implants tend to hold their shape even if they rupture since they are made using a firm gel. 

It is virtually impossible to determine whether there has been a silicone implant rupture without getting an MRI. You should know that even with a rupture nothing will leak into the bloodstream. Moreover, you should still have a ruptured implant replaced as soon as possible to avoid any unnecessary risks. 

The check-up schedule is different for patients with saline implants. You would come to know right away if the implant has ruptured. This is because your breasts will instantly deflate and lose volume. You need to seek medical attention without wasting any time if this happens to prevent any additional complications. 

Majority of surgeons recommend that patients with saline breast implants get regular check-ups performed. Waiting 5 – 10 years between check-ups is normal if you are not experiencing any problem and are happy with the way the breasts appear. 

Signs of Immediate Breast Implant Removal or Replacement

  1. Hardening

You may develop capsular contracture or hardened scar tissue around the implants at some point after your breast augmentation cosmetic surgery. This can cause pain, tightness, tenderness, and other abnormal chances in the breasts. 

  1. Saline rupture

Your breasts will begin deflating like a balloon if a saline implant ruptures because of a hole or a tear in the shell. The deflation may or may not be immediately obvious depending on the size of the tear. Stemming from this, the affected breast may look dramatically different in shape and size from the other one. 

  1. Silicone rupture

Silicone gel is thicker than saline and doesn’t come out as readily. The gel may get collected in the surrounding scar tissue as well. This is why ruptured silicone implants need an MRI scan for detection. This is also why silicone ruptures are usually called silent ruptures. 

  1. Rippling

Rippling refers to ripples or wrinkles on the implants, which may sometimes occur after a breast augmentation plastic surgery. Palpability is when you can feel those ripples while touching the skin of your breasts. 

In some cases, you may be able to see the ripples on the skin as well. Cosmetic surgeon Eugene Kim receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for breast augmentation surgery.

Contact the Office of Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim

Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica, CA and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

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