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How Can I Reduce Scars from Breast Augmentation?

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All surgeries will leave some scarring. With breast augmentation, the location of your incision will be a determining factor in the final visibility of your scars.

Your breast augmentation procedure options include the size and type of breast implants, placement of your breast implants, and the location of the breast implant incision. In most cases, the scars are concealed and faint; however, the scars will not vanish completely.

Incision options include:

  • Periariolar: Around the edge of the areola
  • Inframammary: In the crease under the breast
  • Transaxillary: In the armpit

When you visit Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim for your breast implant consultation, he will discuss your incision options with you. The best incision option for you will depend on a number of factors, including your skin elasticity and the size of your breasts.

Each incision site will conceal your scars to some degree, although there are varying levels of control of breast implant placement depending on the incision type.

Inframammary incisions are the most popular choice because the site is largely hidden but also provides good visibility for the breast implant procedure. Periareolar incisions tend to work better for women with naturally small breasts. The transaxillary incision requires the use of endoscopic tools for placement of the breast implants; transaxillary incisions are used only with small silicone implants or saline breast implants, which are not filled prior to insertion.

If you live in the Los Angeles, Beverly Hills or Newport Beach, California, areas and are interested in learning more about breast augmentation, please contact Dr. Eugene Kim at E. Kim Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation.

Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

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    Ste. 305
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