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Breast Lift and Breast Augmentation at the Same Time

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Breast Lift and Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast Lift and Breast Augmentation at the Same TimeBreast lift cosmetic surgery is a procedure that involves moving the nipple and areola, lifting the breasts, and removing excess skin. The outcome is breasts that look perkier and is especially appreciated by women with sagging breasts.

A breast lift surgery performed with breast implants offers more complete results. The patient does not require as much implant volume when they receive implant placement in combination with a breast lift which will position the breasts appropriately and provide them shape.

When both these procedures are carried out together, the breasts increase in cup size. They also appear more natural, perkier, and youthful than they would have with just a single procedure.

Reliable board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim provides breast augmentation with lift to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and surrounding locations.

Candidates for a Combined Procedure

Breast augmentation with lift enables the surgeon to provide the patient with a more significant breast size along with a tauter, more youthful contour through the breast lift.


This is a popular cosmetic surgery procedure among women who have experienced weight loss and now find that their breasts are sagging, those with breast size and shape changes due to pregnancy and breastfeeding, and those who are displeased with the impact of gravity on their breasts due to aging.


Understanding a Breast Augmentation


For women who want larger breasts, breast augmentation is an ideal procedure. This procedure usually involves the use of gel implants or saline to create cup size changes in the breasts that can range from small to substantial. These FDA-approved implants and surgery is generally considered safe and is performed on thousands of women annually.


Understanding a Breast Lift


The goal of a breast lift is not to increase the breast size. Rather, it involves the restructuring of muscle, skin, and breast tissue to give the breasts more structure and lift. Women commonly find that their breasts start to sag either due to aging, gravity, or pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Recovery Process after a Breast Augmentation with Lift


The patient can expect some discomfort and inflammation in the initial few days after the procedure. However, the pain should not be severe. Many patients experience stiffness in the first week which is normal. They may experience some bruising too.


The patient should immediately reach out to the surgeon’s office if she feels severe pain and bruising. The recovery duration is determined by many factors including the breast implant size.


Scarring after Breast Augmentation with Lift


A breast lift always involves some type of scarring. The surgeon will discuss with the patient which incisions are most suitable for them depending on their anatomy, implant size, and objectives. Some amount of scarring is unavoidable with this procedure.


However, the surgeon will try to minimize the appearance of the scar as much as possible. The scars will also fade away over time. These scars are typically not visible even when wearing clothes with a low neckline or a bikini top.


Devoted board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and other suburbs and towns in this part of The Golden State for breast augmentation with lift.


Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

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