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Blepharoplasty (Eye Surgery) Before and After Photos in Beverly Hills

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Blepharoplasty (Eye Surgery) Before and After Photos in Beverly HillsBlepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is a procedure designed to reduce the aging signs around the lower and upper eyelids. During the initial consultation, the surgeon will evaluate whether the patient needs lower or upper eyelid cosmetic surgery or both. The surgeon will also educate the patient about various aspects of the procedure.

At the initial stage, many surgeons prefer to show blepharoplasty before and after photographs to the patient. This helps to explain the potential effectiveness of the procedure in a better way, and allows the patient to make an informed choice. Dr. Eugene Kim is a double board certified plastic surgeon providing blepharoplasty to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and surrounding communities.


What are Blepharoplasty Before and After Images?

Before and after images in case of blepharoplasty refer to a pair or group of pictures pertaining to an earlier patient who has gone through the same procedure with successful results. The pictures include images taken before the surgery and after the surgery at a stage when the temporary swelling and bruising has been eliminated and full results of blepharoplasty are visible.

The cosmetic surgeon will obtain these photographs with the patient’s consent and present them before new patients in an appropriate manner. The surgeon’s goal in this case is to use the photographs as a visual tool to describe different aspects of the eyelid cosmetic surgery to new patients.



When a woman or man is considering lower or upper eyelid surgery, they may only have a vague idea of how the procedure will enhance the appearance of their eyes and face, and how it may help to meet their overall aesthetic goals. Some patients may need a more comprehensive procedure, while others may only need a maintenance surgery to address minor signs of aging.

In some cases, the plastic surgeon may recommend eyelid surgery in conjunction with brow lift or another facial procedure. In all such situations, it can be difficult for a patient to make the right choces. With the help of blepharoplasty before and after photos, the surgeon will be able to address these issues effectively. Dr. Kim receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas.


Realistic Expectations

An experienced surgeon will like to use blepharoplasty before and after photos at the very outset in order to remove any misplaced notions from the mind of the patient, and enable them to have realistic expectations.

Once the patient knows exactly what the procedure can or cannot do for them, they will typically achieve better satisfaction levels from the results. It will also mitigate the risk of any disappointment or misunderstanding that the patient may face.


Photos Online

Blepharoplasty before and after photos can be provided on the surgeon’s practice website for free access to all. New patients can easily review the photos online in the comfort of their home or office, and then make a final decision about visiting the surgeon’s office for a blepharoplasty consultation. Using digital technology a potential patient will have a better grasp on what to expect. This will minimize any surprises from occurring and help the doctor and the patient be on the same page before the procedure begin


Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

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