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When to Replace Old Breast Implants

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Breast implants can last for decades, but they are not indestructible. Eventually, they will start to break down inside your body. When a breast implant ruptures or causes capsular contracture, you should have it replaced as soon as possible.

If you received a breast augmentation decades ago – for example, in the 1980’s – it may be high time for you to have them replaced with new implants. Modern silicone gel implants come with a wide range of advantages over old implants, including:

  • A more natural look and feel
  • A lower rate of capsular contracture
  • Less prone to rupture
  • No deflation if rupture occurs

If you received old silicone breast implants in the 80’s, they may now be hard on your chest, or you might have been told by your doctor that a rupture has occurred. Likewise, if you received old saline breast implants that have since deflated, now may be the time to experience the benefits of modern breast implants.

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