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Lumps After Breast Augmentation

Tag Archives: Lump

Breast Augmentation Surgery Recovery

Lumps After Breast Augmentation | Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery | Los AngelesAny lump noticed on your breast should be evaluated by a qualified physician, regardless of whether you’ve had a breast augmentation. If you have undergone breast augmentation surgery, a lump felt after the procedure could be many things and evaluation by your plastic surgeon is advisable.

Although instances of breast implants edging, rippling or folding are rare, they do occur on occasion. Saline breast implants are more prone to these issues than silicone gel breast implants.

Depending on the type of breast implant and the implant placement, the lump may be due to an implant valve or, as sometimes occurs in women with thin breast tissue, the implant itself. It may also be caused by residual scarring that will eventually subside.

In rare instances, the lump may be due to a cyst, fat necrosis, tumor or other conditions that require medical attention. Again, it’s best to have any lump examined as soon as possible to allay your fears and, if necessary, outline the proper treatment.

While a lump noticed after breast augmentation surgery may not be associated with the procedure, your plastic surgeon can provide a thorough examination, including diagnostic tests and imaging to help diagnose the source of a lump.

If you live in the Beverly Hills area and would like more information about your breast augmentation options, please contact California plastic surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim at E. Kim Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation.

For more information about the plastic surgery procedures and non-surgical treatments performed by doubled board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim in and around the Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica CA area please contact us at 310-271-6996 or click here.

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    436 North Bedford Dr.,
    Ste. 305
    Beverly Hills, CA 90210