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Cheek Fillers Like JUVÉDERM VOLUMA vs. Implants

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JUVÉDERM VOLUMA vs. Cheek Implants

There are several ways of enhancing cheeks. Dermal fillers with hyaluronic acid and cheek implants are highly sought-after procedures. Juvederm Voluma XC is specifically designed for the cheek area. It offers the most long-lasting results where dermal fillers are concerned. However, both treatments have their own sets of limitations and advantages and get recommended for different reasons.

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim provides cheek augmentation surgery as well as non-surgical facial filler injections to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and surrounding communities.

Benefits of Implants vs. Fillers

Cheek implants will permanently enhance the underlying mid-facial structure. However, they are usually made from silicone and need to be inserted surgically. Cheek implants tend to alter facial appearance and contours. They create a permanent enhancement. They tend to improve facial balance by developing a high cheekbone appearance in patients that are displeased with their existing facial aesthetics.

Cheek Fillers Like JUVÉDERM VOLUMA vs. ImplantsConversely, Juvederm Voluma XC offers temporary results. It helps in correcting the effects of facial aging, but cannot impact the facial structure. Dermal fillers tend to improve facial fullness loss. The procedure necessitates a quick injection.

Juvederm Voluma XC results could sustain for up to two years. The dermal filler doesn’t alter the facial structure and can rejuvenate and restore a more youthful appearance to the cheek region in a noninvasive manner. You won’t need to spend a lot of time in recovery making it an ideal procedure for working or busy people.

Candidates for Dermal Fillers vs. Cheek Implants

You can find it easier to understand the option that is most suitable for you by understanding the difference between the two treatment options.

Cheek augmentation cosmetic surgery candidates are likely to be:

  • Younger
  • People that want permanent changes
  • People who don’t want repetitive procedures
  • Patients that don’t mind and invasive approach and the resultant recovery process
  • People who want cheek implants for aesthetic reasons and facial balance instead of anti-aging

Juvederm Voluma XC ideal candidates might have the following characteristics:

  • They are unhappy with loss of volume in their cheeks because of aging
  • They don’t have time for recovery and don’t want a surgery
  • They want to restore fullness and not add volume to the cheek area
  • They don’t mind undergoing maintenance procedures
  • Their health conditions don’t allow for surgery

How to Make the Decision

You will attain immediate results with implants and fillers. Ultimately, selecting the most appropriate procedure usually depends on the following:

  • Recovery time
  • Aesthetic goals
  • Number of treatments
  • Duration of results

You should understand that facial implants tend to be costlier than dermal fillers as the implants require surgery for placement. However, they do offer long lasting results. You should speak with your plastic surgeon to understand the costs involved.

Speak with Your Surgeon

Your surgeon will help you make the right decision based on your individual needs. They will offer personalized recommendations regarding the treatment. Your specialist should help you decide between cheek implants and dermal fillers based on your lifestyle, goals, and medical conditions.

Cosmetic surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas for cheek augmentation.

Contact the Office of Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim

Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica, CA and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

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