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Body Shape, Rib Cage, and Spine Curve Anatomy can Influence Breast Augmentation Results

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Body Shape, Rib Cage, and Spine Curve Anatomy can Influence Breast Augmentation ResultsWhen considering breast augmentation cosmetic surgery, the patient should know that her unique body shape will have an impact on how the final results appear. The breast is located on the chest, and more precisely on the top of the muscles of the chest wall. Below the chest wall muscles are the ribs. The ribs connect to the body at the spine.

The body shape of a woman influences the shape and position of the breasts. An experienced plastic surgeon will explain these aspects to the patient during the pre-op consultation process. The surgeon may make use of breast augmentation before and after photos for this purpose. Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim provides breast augmentation to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and surrounding communities.


Curvature of the Spine and Ribs

Most women will have a curvature in the spine or ribs, which will impact how their breasts appear on their chest. It is one of the less evaluated areas when a patient is being examined for breast augmentation cosmetic surgery. However, the fact is that the impact of the chest wall will be magnified on the breast shape and position once the breast implant is inserted.

Breast bone, ribs, and spine form the foundation on which the breasts rest. If these elements are asymmetric or curved differently, then it is possible that the breasts are pointing in divergent directions. In such a case, when the breast implant is inserted, the resulting breast mound can be substantially affected by this platform.

The curvatures of the spine or ribs will also cause one of the shoulders to droop when the woman is standing up. Before and after photos of breast augmentation can give a clear idea of these conditions. Dr. Kim is a highly trained and experienced plastic surgeon receiving patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas for breast augmentation surgery.



If the spine and the overall body shape are curved, it can impact the woman’s posture. This will become noticeable in most cases because one shoulder or hip will be higher than the other. If a collarbone or a shoulder is higher than the other, it will lead to asymmetrical breasts or breasts at different heights. An experienced breast surgeon will take these aspects into account while creating the breast implant surgical plan.


Rib and Breast Bone Anomalies

The breast bone or sternum and the ribs usually come together to form a barrel that will be a little flat on the front side. Ribs may form different shapes at times. One or the other side of the ribs may protrude out further than the breast bone. Sometimes the breast bone may not be flat and may protrude out further than the ribs.

Breasts will normally rest on the ribs next to the breast bone. Therefore, if the foundation varies, the breasts will appear different on the chest. These anomalies are likely to magnify once breast implants are placed. Therefore, it is crucial to recognize and address these issues prior to breast augmentation surgery.

Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

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