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Tummy Tuck after Weight Loss Surgery

Tummy Tuck after Weight Loss Surgery

Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica

If you’ve recently lost significant weight following bariatric surgery, you may be a good candidate for a tummy tuck. A tummy tuck can remove stretched, hanging skin around your abdomen. To be a good candidate for a tummy tuck, your weight should have more or less stabilized by now.

In a consultation in Beverly Hills, experienced plastic surgeon Eugene Kim can tell you more about the procedure and whether it can achieve the goals you have in mind.

Why you may benefit from a Tummy Tuck

Bariatric surgery usually results in massive reductions of fat. You can enjoy better health and improved wellbeing as a result of this type of surgery; however, many patients are devastated by the effect weight loss has on their skin and the contours of their bodies. When you lose the pockets of fat beneath your skin, the skin in that area will look stretched and saggy. Skin will become less elastic after you lose weight, so it won’t conform to the new, smaller shape of your body.

A tummy tuck can improve the contours of your body after weight loss by:

  • Removing skin that sags down around your hips and abdomen.
  • Tightening abdominal muscles that have been stretched by weight.
  • Removing any droopy or protruding skin in the abdominal area.

A tummy tuck can smooth your abdominal area in a way that diet, exercise and weight loss cannot.

Candidacy for a Tummy Tuck after Weight Loss

If you are considering your tummy tuck candidacy, you should be near your goal weight. If you plan to lose more weight, you may want to postpone this procedure. If you were to have a tummy tuck and then lose a significant amount of weight, the results could be affected because your skin would regain some degree of sagginess.

You shouldn’t have to feel dissatisfied with your body after the progress you have made with weight loss. If you are experiencing disappointment with the appearance of your body after weight loss surgery, a tummy tuck may be an effective way to get the body appearance you want.

Dr. Kim can tell you about other candidacy factors, such as health conditions that could affect the procedure.

To learn more about a tummy tuck in Beverly Hills, please contact Eugene Kim, M.D., Plastic Surgery, to schedule a consultation.

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    436 North Bedford Dr.,
    Ste. 305
    Beverly Hills, CA 90210