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Breast Implant Manufacturers

Breast Implant Manufacturers

There are two major breast implant manufacturers in the United States: Allergan and the Mentor Corporation. Once Dr. Kim has measured you and helped you decide upon the right size, shape, and type of breast implant you want, he will order your implants from the appropriate manufacturer. You will receive a lifetime replacement warranty from the manufacturer in case of breast implant rupture, covering the cost of your implants.

Testing Breast Implants for Quality

All breast implant companies must adhere to the same quality standards established by the FDA, and must be dedicated to continuous testing of their breast implants. However, each breast implant company has its own protocols for testing and improving their devices.

For example, Allergan tests a sample of the company’s breast implants for strength and durability in a laboratory setting. This test involves applying almost 55 pounds of pressure repeatedly over 6 million times. In comparison, the average mammogram places around 30 pounds of force on your breasts, and most women will not undergo more than 50 mammograms in their lifetime.

Breast implant manufacturers are also monitored to ensure that they:

  • Meet important government shipping regulations
  • Comply with strict procedures through all stages of manufacturing
  • Guarantee consistency and quality
  • Maintain a tracking system for breast implants
  • Use safeguards and precautions to prevent tampering and damage

Because of these regulations, today’s breast implants are more durable and safer than ever before.

Allergan vs. Mentor

Despite the heavy competition between America’s two main breast implant manufacturers, the differences between Allergan breast implants and Mentor breast implants are relatively minor. Both companies make silicone and saline breast implants of similar quality, offering a wide range of options for patients, including:

  • Textured or smooth surface
  • High, low, and moderate profile
  • Teardrop and contoured shapes

The best breast implant for you will depend on your cosmetic goals, your body type, the thickness of your breast skin, and personal preference. Dr. Kim will discuss all of your options with you during a personal consultation.

If you have further questions about breast implants, please contact us today to schedule an initial consultation with experienced Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim. We also serve patients in the Los Angeles, and Santa Monica areas of California.

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    436 North Bedford Dr.,
    Ste. 305
    Beverly Hills, CA 90210