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Breast Enhancement Benefits

Breast Enhancement Benefits

Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular types of plastic surgery procedures performed at E. Kim Plastic Surgery. Many women in the Beverly Hills area regularly turn to Dr. Eugene Kim to achieve many of the life-changing benefits associated with breast augmentation.

When you undergo breast augmentation, you will accomplish much more than altering the size and shape of your breasts. Your procedure will provide you with many benefits that impact every aspect of your life.

Some of the most common breast augmentation benefits include:

  • Larger breast size – The most obvious benefit of breast augmentation is a larger breast size, which can increase your self-confidence and help you look your very best.
  • Shapelier breasts – Breast augmentation can improve the shape of your breasts, combating sagging and giving them a more youthful and attractive contour.
  • Symmetrical breasts – Patients with breasts that are different sizes or shapes love the balance that can be achieved with breast augmentation, breast reduction, breast lift or a combination of these breast enhancement procedures.
  • Better clothing fit – Many of our patients report that they enjoy going shopping after breast augmentation because they love the way all types of clothes fit, look, and feel.
  • Enhanced confidence in swimwear – This is a big benefit experienced by our Beverly Hills breast augmentation patients. The many beautiful beaches in Southern California provide an excellent place to show off your beautiful new breasts.
  • Posture improvement – Breast augmentation patients often have improved posture after surgery. Sometimes they naturally pay attention to their posture after surgery, making sure to stand tall with a sense of pride in their new figure.
  • Improved social confidence – Women who undergo breast augmentation often find that they are naturally more confident during social interactions and enjoy a boost in self-image that is very helpful for meeting new people.
  • Better balanced figure – A larger breast size creates the illusion of a smaller waist, and our patients sometimes get asked if they have lost weight after breast augmentation.
  • Enhanced femininity – Women who were born with small breasts say that breast augmentation actually helps them feel more feminine, sexy, and sensual. Many women choose to undergo a breast lift with their breast augmentation to provide a perkier breast appearance that further boosts their sense of femininity.

Remember that choosing an exceptional breast surgeon is the key to getting the best results and optimizing your breast augmentation benefits. For more information, please read our How to Choose a Plastic Surgeon page.

Please contact us today to schedule your initial breast augmentation consultation with Dr. Eugene Kim, serving patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, and Santa Monica, California.