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Rhinoplasty Results

Rhinoplasty Results

Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica

Rhinoplasty has dramatic results, even though the procedure typically involves minor adjustments. A prominent facial feature, the nose significantly influences your facial appearance.

The intricacies of rhinoplasty require a highly trained and experienced surgeon. Dr. Eugene Kim performs rhinoplasty for clients in the Beverly Hills, Santa Monica and Los Angeles areas. In addition to having lengthy experience in rhinoplasty, Dr. Kim has trained with leading rhinoplasty surgeons. Please contact E. Kim Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation.

What to Expect from Rhinoplasty

During your rhinoplasty consultation, Dr. Kim will explain what you can expect in terms of results. After a rhinoplasty, patients can expect:

  • Balance
  • Proportion
  • Dramatic but natural improvement

Patients who have been dissatisfied with their noses for years have experienced effective results from rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty may be the solution for you if you are dissatisfied with the presence of the following nose features:

  • Bulbous tip
  • Oddly-shaped nostrils
  • Lack of tip definition
  • Bump in the bridge
  • Problems with the length or width of your nose
  • Crooked appearance
  • Upturned or downturned position
  • In most cases, patients are very happy with rhinoplasty results. In the event that you want further alterations, a rhinoplasty revision can be performed a year after your first surgery.

    To learn more about what to expect from rhinoplasty, please visit our questions about nose surgery page.

    When You Will See Rhinoplasty Results

    Immediately after your rhinoplasty, you should expect to see some bruising persisting for about seven to 10 days.

    Although everyone heals differently, a general timeline to expect follows:

    • 2-3 weeks: The first significant reduction in swelling allows you to see the initial results.
    • 2-3 months: Swelling is reduced significantly, and definition and the new nose shape are visible.
    • 1 year: The final results are visible. Your nose will have its most defined shape since surgery.

    Although it takes some time to see the final results, most patients enjoy their new look starting a couple of weeks after surgery.

    To find out if you are a rhinoplasty candidate, please contact the Beverly Hills, Santa Monica and Los Angeles-area rhinoplasty surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim to schedule a consultation.